Vi har samlet nogle af de fedeste artister til at levere et uforglemmeligt 420 show i Sinsemilla Hemp Shop, Christianias Jazzklub & Børneteater & Operaen Christiania!
På Operaen præsenteres med stolthed legendariske General Levy
(Official) (UK), som i dag bliver anset for at være en af de største
MC’er på jungle og dancehall scenen.
Som opvarmning kommer der en
lækker blanding af danske MC’s og DJ’s som inkluderer Eaggerman , Dj
Hydepark, Raske Penge, PHASE5, KAKA DK, Melissa Inya, Mashti Project,
The Four Twenty Kolektiv mfl.
Dør åbner: kl 22-04
Entré i dør: 80 kr
Vi har hele dagen den hyggeligste 420 preparty udenfor Sinsemilla Hemp
Shop med lækker bar, 420 tryllebør, konkurrencer, live acts og DJ’s som
inkluderer: Mikkel Mox, Scott Maddox, The Four Twenty Kolektiv, DJ
Cars10, Mashti Project og JEAN VON BADEN.
Varighed: kl 14.20 – 22.00
Entré: gratis udendørs event
Vi glæder os til at fejre Mary Jane med et show med fuld fart på!
420 Around the world
420, 4:20 eller 4/20 er et kode ord i cannabis miljøet, for at ryge
cannabis, der stammer fra 1971 i Californien, hvor en gruppe unge mødtes
kl 4:20 eller 16.20 for at ryge sammen.
Med tiden er datoen 4/20
blevet en folkefest hvor cannabis / hampe planten bliver fejret rundt
omkring i hele verden, naturligvis også i Danmark!
420 Festival
er en platform for alle der har interesse i cannabis/ hampe planten som
helhed. Hampe planten kan bruges til enormt mange gode ting og flere nye
muligheder dukker hele tiden op i takt med at forskningen på området er
i stærk vækst i disse år.
Planten kan eks. bruges til at lave
bionedbrydelig plastik som kan være et af svarene på vores jordklodes
nuværende problemer med plastik og mikro plastik. Den kan bruges til
miljøvenlig isolering til huse, papirfremstilling, slidstærkt tøj,
biobrænsel, kosttilskud og meget meget mere. Hampe planten kan nogle
steder på jorden dyrkes flere gange om året og kan derfor spare tid og
plads og være et miljørigtigt alternativ til produktioner med f.eks. træ
der tager flere år at gro. Kort sagt er det en plante der er værd at
snakke om og ikke mindst fejre.
General Levy (Official)
En af de absolut vildeste mc’er du kan opleve!!! “The Incredible”
-General Levy er helt i sin egen klasse -en sand ekvilibrist på sit
felt. Han bliver anset for at være en af de vigtigste UK MC’er der har
været med til at udvikle genrene dancehall og jungle på den britiske
scene til hvad de er i dag. Glæd dig til et energisk show når General
Levy indtager scenen til 420 Festival 2019.
General Levy blev
født d. 28. April 1971, i Park Royal, i London. Han voksede op i
Harlesden og Wembley i nordvest London, hvor hans interesse for musik
startede med inspiration i dancehall fra sit lokalområde.
som 12 årig begyndte han med at skrive sange og som 14 årig startede han
sit første sound system med sine venner, kaldet Third Dimension.
Hans første store udgivelser var med det uafhængige pladeselskab Fashion Records, som signerede en distributionsaftale med London Records for en genudgivelse af tracks han havde indspillet tidligere med musikproducerne Lloyd Crucial og Robbo Ranx (senere kaldet BBC 1xtra) som havde hittet på den britiske dancehall undergrundsscene.
Levy‘s største og mest kendte nummer “incredible” var med i filmen Ali G Indahouse, hvor omverdenen for alvor fik øje på ham.
Han igennem årene samarbejdet med et væld af sangere og bands som da han bl.a. var med på nummeret “Only God Can Judge Me” med R&B sangeren Mark Morrison.
Eksempelvis samarbejdede han også med Madness’ sanger Suggs på hans album The Three Pyramids Club, på nummeret “Girl”, i 1998.
General Levy har arbejdet med mange forskellige sound systems i de sene ‘80’ere og tidlige ‘90’ere som f.eks. Java One Love og Tippertone Sound.
Alene i 2018 har han samarbejdet på udgivelser med Chase & Status, Fedde Le Grand og Spragga Benz.
Se frem til et show i verdensklasse med fuld fart på hvor du absolut ikke kan stå stille.
O O O 420 Festival 2019 – International Marijuana Day O O O
420 Festival 2019
Location: Den Grå Hal, Sinsemilla Hemp Shop, Christianias Jazzklub & Børneteater & Operaen Christiania
420 Festival in Denmark
The celebrations has grown a lot this year in Denmark, and has become a
whole 1-day festival at Christiania, and will be held both outside the
Sinsemilla Hemp Shop in the daytime, at the main venue Den Grå Hal in
the nighttime, and at the venues Christianias Jazzklub & Børneteater
& Operaen Christiania late at night.
Experience General Levy (UK) in Den Grå Hal, Christiania
Get ready to experience an energetic worldclass show with both the
notorious and furious UK dancehall MC General Levy (Official) known as
one of the biggest MC’s on the jungle and dancehall scene.
As a
warm up we bring you a delicious mix of the hottest local MC’s and DJ’s
that includes Eaggerman, Dj Hydepark, Raske Penge, PHASE5 & KAKA DK
There will be awesome drinks in the bar, food for the delicious hungry, exhiting competitions and much more
Doors open: 10 PM – 04 AM
Enterence in the door: 80 DKK
Warm Up Party – Festivities for young and old
The 420 Festival 2019 starts in the afternoon with an outdoor free
entry 420 Bash for the Sinsemilla Hemp Shop that will have its 4 years
anniversary on the day. There will be activities for both young and old,
where to experience everything from a magic show, live music and DJ’s
to 420 Earth Bong and fancy drinks in the bar.
Duration: 2.00 PM – 10.00 PM
Entry: free entry
420 Around the world
420, 4:20 or 4/20 is a slang in the cannabis culture for the
consumption of cannabis, derived from California in 1971, where five
high school students from the school San Rafael met up at 4:20 PM to
smoke together.
April 20 has become an international counterculture
holiday, where people gather to celebrate the cannabis plant all around
the world, of course also in Denmark.
420 Festival is a platform
for anyone who has an interest in the cannabis / hemp plant as a whole.
The hemp plant can be used for a variety of many good things and
several new opportunities are constantly emerging as research in the
area is growing strongly these years.
The plant can, for example, be
used to make biodegradable plastics which can be one of the answers to
our earth’s current problems with plastic and micro plastic. It can be
used for environmentally friendly insulation for houses, paper making,
durable clothing, biofuel, dietary supplements and much more.
hemp plant can be grown several times a year in some places on the Earth
and can therefore save time and space and be an environmentally
friendly alternative to productions with eg. tree that takes several
years to grow.. In short, it is a plant that is worth talking about and
not least to celebrate.
The Artists:
General Levy (Official)
One of the absolutely wildest mc’s you can experience !!! “The
Incredible” -General Levy is completely in his own class-a true
equilibrist in his field. He is considered to be one of the most
important UK MCs who have helped develop the dancehall and jungle genres
on the British scene to what they are today. Look forward to an
energetic show when General Levy takes the stage at 420 Festival 2019.
General Levy was born April 28, 1971, in Park Royal, London.
He grew up in Harlesden and Wembley in northwest London, where his
interest in music started with inspiration in dancehall from his local
Already as a 12 year old he started writing songs and as a 14
year old he started his first sound system with his friends, called the
Third Dimension.
His first major releases were with the
independent record label Fashion Records who signed a distribution
agreement with London Records for a re-release of tracks he had recorded
earlier with music producers Lloyd Crucial and Robbo Ranx
(later called BBC 1xtra) known from the British dancehall underground scene.
Levy’s biggest and best-known song “incredible” was featured in the movie Ali G Indahouse, where he first went viral.
Throughout the years he collaborated with a host of singers and bands as when he featured on the song “Only God Can Judge Me” by R&B singer Mark Morrison.
For example, he also collaborated with Madness’s singer Suggs on his album The Three Pyramids Club, on the number “Girl”, in 1998.
General Levy has worked with many different sound systems in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s such as Java One Love and Tippertone Sound.
In 2018 alone, he collaborated on publications with Chase & Status, Fedde Le Grand and Spragga Benz.
Look forward to a world-class show at full speed where you absolutely can’t stand still.