Christiania Freetown Aid inviterer til vores traditionel Solhvervsfest som vi for første gang afvikler på Christianis Amfiteater! Vi glæder os til at fejre solen med live musik, DJs – og jer! Baren serverer øl og vin.
Tag gerne cash med
Christiania Freetown Aid invites to the traditional Solstice party which will take place in Amphitheater in Christiania. We celebrate the sun with a whole row of live acts and DJs – and you! Bar serves beer and wine.
Please bring cash for the bar!
☼ FEAT ☼ The Lost Seamen
Jack Rothe
Nicø Defrøst
more TBA
All the proceeds from the bar are going to Paluwa Social Care – an orphanage in Bakhtapur, Nepal that we have continuously supported and visited since the earthquake of 2015. Corona has hit hard on local population and businesses, and together we are pushing to help Paluwa reestablish its income business that will continuously support children’s care.